Bride And Groom Holding Each Others Hand

Men often get caught off guard by perimenopause, just like we do!

Suddenly, they see their partner going through:

😠 Moody rollercoasters

🥱 Sleepless nights

🥵 Steamy hot flashes

…and they’re left feeling clueless.

Not knowing what to do, they might distance themselves when their partner needs them most.

But don’t worry, guys—this guide is for you (and non-menopausal partners) who want to be there for your loved one and navigate this tricky time together.

Man In Blue Kissing Woman On Forehead

10 Ways Men Can Support Their Partners Through Perimenopause:

1. Do Your Homework
Just like your partner, you probably didn’t know what perimenopause would really be like until bam—it’s here! Arm yourself with some knowledge.

2. Be Ready for the Long Haul
perimenopause doesn’t just end in a day. Menopause happens after perimenopause. Even though the definition for menopause is 12 months without a period, symptoms can stick around for years. Patience is so imperative!

3. Help Her Find Professional Support
If she’s struggling with hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, or anything else, suggest a visit to a healthcare provider. Bonus points if you offer to go with her for some moral support!

4. Be Her Listening Ear
Sometimes she’ll just need someone to vent to, and that’s where you come in. perimenopause is confusing—be the rock she can talk to when things get overwhelming.

5. Remember, You’re in This Together
perimenopause affects both of you. Don’t let it drive a wedge between you. Talk openly about how it’s impacting your relationship and find ways to support each other through the ups and downs.

6. Ask What She Needs
perimenopause looks different for every woman. Instead of assuming, ask her what she needs from you. A little bit of communication goes a long way.

7. It’s Not All About Hormones
Sure, hormones are wreaking havoc, but she’s also facing other changes—aging, shifting roles in life, maybe even empty nest syndrome. Be sensitive to everything going on beneath the surface.

8. Get Ready for Some Bedroom Changes
Yep, things might be a little different in the intimacy department. perimenopause can cause discomfort or lower libido, but don’t fret. It’s all about patience, open conversations, and adapting together. You’ve got this!

9. Show Her the Love
With all these changes, she might be feeling less confident. Remind her just how amazing she is. A little extra reassurance can do wonders for her self-esteem.

10. Embrace the New Adventures
perimenopause is also a time of transformation. She might be ready to try new things, start fresh hobbies, or make big life changes. Be her biggest cheerleader as she explores this exciting new chapter.

Supporting your partner through perimenopause is all about communication, flexibility, and love. Who knows, this chapter could bring you even closer!

Cheers to you and your partner!

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